Content Repurposing Can Help You Build a Better Work-Life Balance

Beck Power
4 min readFeb 1, 2022


When you work at a brick-and-mortar store or office, setting boundaries for your work-life balance is a bit easier.

To start, there is a geographical separation between your work and the rest of your life. While some jobs require you to take work home with you, many allow you to leave work behind once the clock hits five o’clock. You walk in, you walk out.

But if you work remotely or have your own business online, that separation doesn’t exist. You work at your kitchen table, you check your emails on your phone, and you can pull out your laptop instead of going to sleep when the sun goes down.

For online entrepreneurs, content repurposing can be just what you need to help build a better work-life balance.

Remote Work Burnout

When you work remotely and run a business online, remote work burnout is a constant threat. Some studies show that burnout is up over 10% when compared to pre-COVID life.

For some, working remotely is freeing. You don’t have a boss, you don’t have to punch in and out. You can work whenever and wherever you’d like!

Now, when you are trying to raise a family or travel the world, working whenever or wherever you like can be a massive perk of the job.

But if you don’t set boundaries for yourself, there isn’t anyone else there to set them for you. A lack of boundaries, mixed with your entrepreneurial drive to succeed, can lead to burnout quickly if you let it.

Setting Boundaries for Work-Life Balance

Finding a work-life balance when you work from home is all about setting boundaries. What gets your attention and energy, and what doesn’t?

Content repurposing can help you to set those boundaries by putting a limit on how much time you allow yourself to spend creating new content.

Instead of spending time every day thinking about and creating new content, you could spend one day a month repurposing your long-form content and creating micro-content to post across all of your social media channels.

If you have never really thought about it before, it can be good to record how much time you spend on your social media each month. If the number of hours is too high, it is taking away from your ability to grow your business in other ways or spend time doing the things you love. Maybe it is time to set some boundaries for yourself!

Learning Better Systems for Content Repurposing

If you aren’t ready or interested in outsourcing your content repurposing, you can work with an experienced social media marketer. They can help you to create systems within your company for you and your team to efficiently create new content.

Once you have these systems in place, you and your team can create content reliably each month that engages with your audience and brings in new clients!

If you need someone to help you make systems within your own company, you can sign up for a call with me. My team’s system for content repurposing helps us to create thousands of pieces of content for my clients!

Content repurposing systems can help you to:

  • Develop a solid base of cornerstone content
  • Stay consistent with your messaging and visual branding
  • Bring on new team members and easily incorporate them into the workflow
  • Create engaging micro-content that brings in potential clients (quote cards, audiograms, video clips, written captions, etc)
  • Use longer-form content to create collections of micro content for your social media channels so that you don’t have to use all of your creative energy on your social media

Outsourcing What You Don’t Want to Worry About

The best way to use content repurposing to create a work-life balance is by outsourcing it all together. If you don’t have a passion for social media if you dread having to create content, then why would you waste your time and energy on it.

The time you spend on your social media content is time you could be spending on other parts of your business or the important things in your life like your family and hobbies!

The beauty of content repurposing is that while someone else (like an editor at Power Creative Media) might be preparing your micro-content, the message is all you. You provide the podcast episodes, the book chapters, and the webinar recordings that provide the basis for micro-content.

You remain the voice behind your content, even when you are outsourcing its creation.

Interested in Freeing Up Some of Your Time?

There are always going to be times when your business causes you stress. But dealing with burnout and a lack of boundaries? That doesn’t have to inherently come with the role of entrepreneur.

You can find a balance between your business and the rest of your life. And for a lot of people, that starts with identifying the parts of your business that you can let go of to make room for something more important.

Are you interested in freeing up some of your time by working with Power Creative Media for your social media content? Head over to to book a call with me!



Beck Power

Power Creative Media: Daily Social Content for Digital Entrepreneurs