What If I’d Rather Repurpose Content In-House?

Beck Power
2 min readAug 28, 2021

I get this question a lot, especially on sales calls.

Before you hand over your repurposing over to your in-house team, there are a few things you should consider.

My team is EXCELLENT, we repurpose content all day every day, but that doesn’t mean that hiring an outside company is the right call for you.

Here are some things you should know about working in-house on your content.

Finding the Right Person

If you are choosing an assistant to do your content repurposing, then they need to have the right skillset.

They should know graphics and be able to make consistent, on-brand visual content for you. This can include things like quote cards, headlines for video clips, and more. The key word here is consistent. Whoever you choose should be able to make great visual content for you every month.

They should be able to write! Captions, blog posts, emails — they all need words! They also need a pretty keen eye for detail and editing, and whoever you hire has to be able to match your voice — especially for captions!

Finally, they should be able to use the necessary software for editing videos and audio. Not everyone feels comfortable with this, and if you are hiring for an in-house team, you may need to hire multiple team members to find the right combination of people with the skills you need.

Do You Have a System to Teach Them?

When you hire a VA or social media manager for your team, they need instruction. They need a workflow, or a schedule, or an in-depth training program.

Our team has a very efficient workflow that keeps us moving through our clients’ content each month. Workflows like this do not develop overnight, and until you get them figured out, there are going to be problems that you run into with scheduling for a new team.

How Much Do You Want to Be Involved?

If you want to be very involved in every step of the process, then hiring in-house is great. You can go over every post, help come up with ideas, and give very regular feedback.

However, hiring an outside company is a lot more hands-off. My clients get an approval link once a month, and they often take five minutes before hitting the “APPROVE” button. That’s it.

If you want to talk about social media strategy, or learn about hiring an outside agency for your content repurposing, go ahead and visit powercreativemedia.com to book a call with me.

I made a tool that generates 2000 social content ideas in just 10 minutes. Get it here!



Beck Power

Power Creative Media: Daily Social Content for Digital Entrepreneurs powercreativemedia.com